Student Planner - Casual Style
Keep track of everything, get the assignments and homework done on time, become more effecient and less busy and achieve your goals easily with the ready-to-print ultimate student planner designed to help you be more productive and organized.
- Beautiful cover
- Weekly spreads for study schedule planning
- Classic monthly layouts
- Project Summary & Task Tracker
- Lined pages for notes
- Calendar
Choose the dates and download the PDF file with your printable student planner that you can print out on any printer and add to your binder or use as separate sheets. Before that get free printable planner samples templates for the demo version.
The content of the planner is based on 7 different templates that you can use as many times as you want by choosing the dates you need.
Customize and download this printable planner:

Functional. Simple. Printable.
Download, print and bind it yourself so you can carry it in whatever size and format you prefer.
Available in: A4, A5, Letter, Half Letter and Filofax

These printable planners and templates are great for anyone who likes to customize their own planners. I wish there were more color options but other than that everything is perfect!
Purchased item:
Student Planner - Casual Style