Simple Yearly Goal Review Template - Floral Style
If you like this template, choose the page size you are interested in and download the print-ready PDF file. You can use it effectively by attaching a sample to your planner or bullet journal. Develop, strive for new achievements and reach success even where it seemed impossible before!
Sections available in this template:
- From 1-10, How Do You Feel Overall About This Past Year?;
- Review Your Last Year (Celebrate your wins and reflect on your losses);
- Biggest Wins (List 3-5 major accomplishments of the last year);
- Biggest Mistakes (List 3-5 things that didn't let you make the most of the last year);
- How I'll Improve (Elaborate on the steps you're going to take to make next year great).
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This template is amazing. I keep discovering new features every day!
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